An Invention Patent of NEU Won the First Prize of

Written By: Edited By:Lei Chang, Yuhui WangResource: 新闻网
Update: 2022-05-13

Recently, the results of The 2nd Patent Awards of Liaoning Province were announced. According to Liaoning’s innovation-driven development reality, 50 winning projects (including 5 winning the first prize) were selected from 345 declared projects through formal examination, online review, preliminary conference evaluation, on-site investigation, and evaluation by the professional review group. The patent “A High-intensity Magnetic Separation Process Operation Control Method” invented by Chai Tianyou, Dai Wei, Ding Jinliang, Yue Heng, Qin Yan and Liu Changxin from the State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries of NEU was awarded the first prize.

In the process of patent technology R&D, academician Chai Tianyou led his team to develop the intelligent operation optimization control system and take the lead in solving key and common technical problems about optimal control of multi-conflict objective operation in complex industrial process. They have realized intelligent optimization of mineral processing, coal preparation, and production process of fused magnesia and alumina optimization, and have made remarkable effect of energy conservation and emissions reduction and significant economic benefits.

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