On the 143rdTMS forum, paper “Recent Advances in Carbon Dioxide Mineralization to Nano-SizeCalcium Carbonate Utilizing Wastewater” written by Professor Zhang Tingan from Schoolof Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University won Light Metal Best PaperAward, for the outstanding contributions of Carbon Dioxide emission reduction andmineralization.
Nowadays, globalclimate change is becoming one of the dominant factors that threaten the sustainabledevelopment of human society. Aiming at dealing with the large amounts ofalkaline wastewater and Carbon Dioxide that produced by China metallurgicalindustry every year, Professor Zhang Tingan invented the technology andequipment that realized the capture and reuse of CO2, which havepassed the technical appraisement of China Nonferrous Metals IndustryAssociation, and obtained the award for scientific and technologicaladvancement, 2013.
The Minerals,Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a professional organization formaterials scientists and engineers that encompasses the entire range ofmaterials and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metalsproduction to basic research and the advance applications of materials. Thesociety provides forums for the exchange of information, encourages technologytransfer, and promotes the education and development of current and futureprofessionals.